Not sure what will be different about this blog and the last one I had but I feel like I needed a fresh start. Maybe I will copy all posts I post here and post them on my old blog as well, as that blog is now a compilation of all blogs I have ever had and dates back to 2006! But for what is current and now, this is the blog to follow.

So welcome to my journal, welcome to my journey!

I won't be writing daily, maybe weekly I think. "This has happened this week." I like those types of summary-posts. We will see. I have some excited times ahead of me at least as I just got excepted back at school and now that I have found a subject for my bachelors-essay I'm finally so stoked on finishing my degree. Middle East here I come! Habibi!

And speaking of the Middle East, the subject for my essay will not be my only deep-dive into the subject as I will also be taking a course in it as well. Can't be happier about this! I've fully falling in love with everything about it. The Middle East, Arabic, Iraq, The Abbasid Caliphate. All of its history and archaeology. It is so rich! And yes, I will absolutely blame a certain video game character (Basim ibn Ishaq from Assassins Creed) as the spark for my fascination haha, but it has gone so much deeper now. It's just soooo amazingly fascinating! I can't believe I never thought of researching it sooner..!

But better late than never, so here we go! ♡
